Which Lisp Should I Learn?

Fri Jan 24, 2014

I don't know why this keeps coming up lately, but it does. So, here we go:

My Recommendation

If you want to learn your first Lisp and already know something about the JVM|1|, you should learn Clojure|2|. Otherwise, you should learn Scheme. Specifically, I recommend going the route that takes you through Racket|3|, and possibly through SICP or HTDP.

If you absolutely, positively must, I guess go ahead and learn Common Lisp.


Clojure the language, as opposed to the current, main, half-fused-with-JVM implementation, is cleaner and more consistent than Common Lisp, which should help you learn it more easily. I've gotten back talk about how there are lots more noobs learning Clojure, and as a result their libraries are in some disarray, and about the fact that the JVM is a sack of donkey balls you have to bite into every time you hit some sort of error|4|, and about the general Clojure community pre-disposition to fashion trends. All of which may or may not be true, but I'm specifically talking about the language, not its ecosystem or stalwarts. Now granted, all of Racket, Clojure and Common Lisp are

  1. built out of s-expressions
  2. have defmacro

so depending on how much work you're willing to put in, you can do whatever the fuck you want in all of them|5|. However, in addition to knowing about prefix notation, and macros, and general Lisp program structure, here's an incomplete list of idiosyncrasies of Common Lisp that you have to commit to memory before you can be effective in it:

Like I said, this is a small sample. Just the stuff I thought of off the top of my head. I'm sure I could come up with more if I put a day or two into it. And I'm far from the most experienced Lisper out there, others would have more finer points for you, I'm sure. But that's half the problem with little issues like this; experienced Lispers completely forget about them. It's the newbs that have trouble cramming these things into their heads.

When I take a good look at that list, and then imagine the situations that led to each element, it's difficult to conclude that a wrong decision was made at any given point in time. Unfortunately, the sum of all of those potentially correct decisions is a giant system, the inherent rules of which look inconsistent if not outright hostile to human minds.

I don't know if Clojure solves all of them.

I've done very little work with it, for reasons entirely unrelated to the language. For all I know, when you get deep enough into it, you get to inconsistencies and/or restrictions which are worse than anything I've pointed out or could. Also, just in the interests of clarity, in case the "Common Lisp" sitting comfortably at the top of this blogs' tag list wasn't enough of a hint, I use Common Lisp. I like Common Lisp. But it's primarily because I've internalized enough minutia to feel comfortable in it.

But do me a favor, if you're a CL user, either hop over to this web REPL, or install leiningen then hop into your local lein repl and type along here:

user=> (def thing [8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1])
user=> (thing 0)
user=> (thing 3)
user=>(map (fn [n] (+ 3 n)) thing)
(11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4)
user=> (def thing {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3})
user=> (thing :c)
user=> (thing :d 6)
user=> (thing :a 6)
user=> (map (fn [[k v]] (+ v 2)) thing)
(3 4 5)
user=> (def thing #{1 2 3 4 5}) ;; a set, in case you were wondering
user=> (thing 3)
user=> (thing 0)
user=> (map (fn [a] (+ a 2)) thing)
(3 4 5 6 7)
user=> (def triple (fn [a] (* a 3)))
user=> (triple 4)
user=> (map triple thing)
(3 6 9 12 15)
user=> (map (fn [a] (let [t (- (triple a) 5)] (* 2 t))) thing)
(-4 2 8 14 20)

Now think about how you would go about explaining to a novice programmer that it has to be more complicated than that.


1 - |back| - And don't have a strong dislike for it, obviously.

2 - |back| - Install it through Leiningen, which is available in the Debian repos in stable and unstable.

3 - |back| - Yes, I'm fully aware that the Racket guys are trying to push this "We're totally not Scheme" thing. They're close enough from an external perspective. Just don't tell Jay McCarthy I said so.

4 - |back| - Which is certainly true, but mildly preferable to the alternative as long as you're used to that sort of thing.

5 - |back| - Except that Clojure is apparently missing Reader macros, which I always thought were kind of half-assedly implemented in Common Lisp. For what I consider the full-ass version, take a look at how Haskell does it.

6 - |back| - Plus how many ever *-equal functions you define for your own classes.

7 - |back| - The Common Lisp answer to the problems that call for try/catch in other languages.

8 - |back| - For the last, you can also define your own selectors using :reader or :accessor declarations.

9 - |back| - Which specific warning or error depends on implementation.

10 - |back| - Because it's not very much like map. It returns nil and works by side-effect. Meaning that if you expect a sequence from it, you'll need to construct it yourself.

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