The Router

Sun Jan 21, 2018

Ok, so a while ago, I gave a PW<3 talk on one of Ackley's pieces[PDF].

In order to properly give that talk, and point out interesting ideas and approaches in this kind of distributed computation, I had to write a Router.

An animation of the router being spawned, unfolding and beginning to shunt messages

This is the first involved program I've written in this style, and I learned a bunch of things doing it that weren't obvious to me even after all the time I spent thinking about it, so I thought I'd share.

How it works

;;; trurl.lisp

(lem:define-machine lemon nil)

(lem:define-machine router-message
  (let ((dest (pick (loop for (x y) in lem:n*extended
		       for c = (lem:neighbor x y)
		       when (and c (typep (lem:occupant c) 'router-fluid)) collect c))))
    (when dest (lem:move-to! dest lem:here))))

(lem:define-machine router-input
  (let ((messages (loop for (x y) in lem:n*extended
		     for c = (lem:neighbor x y)
		     when (and c (typep (lem:occupant c) 'router-message)) collect c)))
    (when (> 3 (length messages))
      (let ((dest (apply #'lem:neighbor (pick lem:n*extended))))
	(when (and dest (typep (lem:occupant dest) 'router-fluid))
	  (lem:spawn-in! dest (router-message) :message (format nil "~r" (random 10000000)) :x (random 10) :y (random 10)))))))

(lem:define-machine router-endpoint
  (let ((x (lem:get-state lem:self :x 0))
	(y (lem:get-state lem:self :y 0))
	(left (lem:neighbor -3 0))
	(up (lem:neighbor 0 -3))
	(message-cell (pick (loop for (x y) in lem:n*extended
			  for c = (lem:neighbor x y)
			  when (and c (typep (lem:occupant c) 'router-message)) collect c))))
    (when (and left (typep (lem:occupant left) 'router-fluid))
      (lem:spawn-in! left lem:self :x (+ x 1) :y y))
    (when (and up (typep (lem:occupant up) 'router-fluid))
      (lem:spawn-in! up lem:self :x x :y (+ y 1)))

    (unless (null message-cell)
      (let* ((m (lem:occupant message-cell))
	     (mx (lem:get-state m :x))
	     (my (lem:get-state m :y))
	     (name (format nil "ENDPOINT[~a::~a]" x y))
	     (up (lem:neighbor 0 -2))
	     (left (lem:neighbor -2 0)))
	(cond ((and (= x mx)
		    (= y my))
	       (lem:empty! message-cell)
	       (log! name (lem:get-state m :message)))
	      ((and (not (typep (lem:occupant up) 'router-message)) (= x mx))
	       (lem:move-to! up message-cell))
	      ((and (not (typep (lem:occupant left) 'router-message)) (= y my))
	       (lem:move-to! left message-cell)))))))

(lem:define-machine router-fluid
  (let ((w (lem:get-state lem:self :w 10))
	(h (lem:get-state lem:self :h 10))
	(x (lem:get-state lem:self :x 0))
	(y (lem:get-state lem:self :y 0)))
    (labels ((any-of (cell &rest types)
	       (let ((o (lem:occupant cell)))
		 (some (lambda (tp) (typep o tp)) types)))
	     (spawn! (neigh &key (x x) (y y))
	       (when neigh
		 (unless (any-of neigh 'router-endpoint 'router-fluid 'router-input 'router-message)
		   (lem:spawn-in! neigh lem:self :x x :y y :h h :w w)))))
      (when (> w x) (spawn! (lem:neighbor -1 0) :x (+ x 1)))
      (when (> h y) (spawn! (lem:neighbor 0 -1) :y (+ y 1)))
      (unless (zerop x) (spawn! (lem:neighbor 1 0) :x (- x 1)))
      (unless (zerop y) (spawn! (lem:neighbor 0 1) :y (- y 1))))))

(lem:define-machine router
  (flet ((neighbors-at (fn)
	   (loop for (x y) in lem:n*extended
	      for c = (lem:neighbor x y)
	      when (and c (funcall fn x y)) collect c)))
    (let* ((w 25) (h 25)
	   (x (lem:get-state lem:self :x 0))
	   (y (lem:get-state lem:self :y 0))
	   (outsides (concatenate
		      (when (zerop x) (neighbors-at (lambda (x y) (> x 0))))
		      (when (zerop y) (neighbors-at (lambda (x y) (> y 0))))
		      (when (= x w) (neighbors-at (lambda (x y) (> 0 x))))
		      (when (= y h) (neighbors-at (lambda (x y) (> 0 y)))))))
      (when (and (zerop y) (> (- w 1) x 1))
	(lem:spawn-in! (lem:neighbor 0 -1) (router-input)))
      (when (and (zerop y) (zerop x))
	(lem:spawn-in! (lem:neighbor -1 -1) (router-fluid) :h (- h 2) :w (- w 2))
	(lem:spawn-in! (lem:neighbor -2 -2) (router-endpoint)))
      (loop for c in outsides do (lem:spawn-in! c (lemon)))

      (when (and (> w x) (or (= y 0) (= y h)))
	(lem:spawn-in! (lem:neighbor -1 0) lem:self :x (+ x 1) :y y))
      (unless (= 0 x)
	(when (or (= y 0) (= y h))
	  (lem:spawn-in! (lem:neighbor 1 0) lem:self :x (- x 1) :y y)))
      (when (and (> h y) (or (= x 0) (= x w)))
	(lem:spawn-in! (lem:neighbor 0 -1) lem:self :x x :y (+ y 1)))
      (unless (= 0 y)
	(when (or (= x 0) (= x w))
	  (lem:spawn-in! (lem:neighbor 0 1) lem:self :x x :y (- y 1)))))))


This is what the code looks like. It's fugly, because I haven't had the time to really dive into what kinds of ideas we want to express in systems like this. As a consequence, we've got what should probably be abstracted logic threaded throughout these programs. And that's sort of to be expected given my inexperience in this context. But it might be instructive to go through it anyway. This style of programming involves defining machines that work on the basis of a grid. The idea is that a machine is a prototype that defines a behavior that will be executed when an instance of the machine gets to take a turn. On a machines turn, it can consider its surrounding environment, including all exposed state, terrain and population.

This specific machine, from a high-level view, is composed out of a bunch of interacting components. We've got

The environmental concerns

Simple Router Fluid

One interesting thing that happened initially is that I defined router-fluid as

(lem:define-machine router-bleach
    (labels ((any-of (cell &rest types)
	       (let ((o (lem:occupant cell)))
		 (some (lambda (tp) (typep o tp)) types)))
	     (spawn! (neigh &key (x x) (y y))
	       (when neigh
		 (unless (any-of neigh 'router-endpoint 'router-bleach 'router-input 'router-message)
		   (lem:spawn-in! neigh lem:self)))))
      (loop for (x y) in lem:n*extended
	 do (lem:spawn-in! (lem:neighbor x y) lem:self))))

Which is much simpler than the version you saw earlier, but also a bit more interesting at the macro scale. It's basically gray goo with a whitelist. The idea is that when fully formed, a routers protective shell is as wide as the event-window radius, so whitelisting those cells will be enough to keep the fluid contained through inter-cell rather than intra-cell interactions. This causes two problems. Firstly, you need to make sure that the router wall is sealed before you spawn the first drop of router-fluid because it might otherwise escape and eat the world. Second, you'd damn well better hope that nothing breaches that router wall for exactly the same reason. This original version was titled router-bleach, for perhaps obvious reasons. You probably do want it to eat things that aren't part of the router, because you might otherwise get hostile particles jumping around that interfere with its internal operations. But you absolutely don't want it eating anything past the router border.

This is one of those places where it would help to have different conceptual structures than just grid-based accessors. It might help to have an idea of what it means to be inside of a particular space that isn't quite as low-level as the current x/y co-ordinate system. Because otherwise you have the choice between bounding the fluid explicitly1, and bounding it implicitly2. It might be possible to split the difference by slowing down the rate at which router bleach eats things3, but I'm not entirely convinced that this wouldn't merely give us both sets of problems.

Gray Goo

While we're on the topic, in case it's not obvious from the above, what's gray goo?

(lem:define-machine gg
    (loop for (x y) in lem:n*extended
       do (lem:spawn-in! (lem:neighbor x y) lem:self)))

It's the machine that eats everything. If box is "the machine that knows what it is to be a box", then gg is "the machine that knows what it is to hunger without end". In a massively distributed system with no central ownership, it's possible that someone intentionally introduces gg to the world, but as we've seen above, it's also entirely possible to effectively do it by accident.

One way of fighting this involves restricting the set of possibly spawn!able machines. The idea is that we do some amount of research into what sorts of machines make a good enough set of primitives, agree on them, and burn their definitions into the substrates of all of our cellular networks. That makes sure we've got a known-good-actor set of machines to choose from, but something tells me that the expressivity of such a system is going to suffer pretty fatally. My instinct is that what we want is a set of composition primitives; a language from which to craft machines rather than a pre-defined set of machines themselves.

A second way involves imposing a cost on the spawn! operation in some way. So that a machine that does nothing but spawn in all directions will run out of resources in short order.

A third is introducing a high error-rate or some substrate-level antagonism towards ill-behaved machines. As in, the cells themselves do some kind of tracking, inter-communication and decision procedure to decide whether to honor orders coming from a particular machine class or instance. I'm not sure exactly what shape this would take, but it's at least marginally plausible.

Also, lets be honest here, I have no idea which or any of these might be the correct solution in general, if there even is one. This is something I'll have to figure out by prototyping like a madman for the next little while. And possibly by observing natural structures that already solve these problems in different contexts.

The metastasis problem

There's a bunch of situations in which you want to introduce self-stabilizing populations of cells into the world. For instance, the above router wants to limit messages in some way if it's to avoid saturating its output ports. In service to that goal, messages only spawn on and move around in router fluid. That fluid might go through dry spells if enough messages get plonked into the system at the same time, and the rate of message spawning is therefore implicitly capped through the behavior of the cells. That's one approach; make sure that incoming spawns require some non-empty substrate and make sure that the substrate is not infinitely available in some way.

Another approach is introducing predation. In our router example, that would mean introducing a rate-limiter cell that would amble around inside of the router and occasionally kill off message cells with some low probability. This approach is shown in action by Ackley in his DReg/Res example. The end result is slow to become stable, and might kill off too much through random chance, but fundamentally works and is driven primarily by intra-cell forces.

Yet another approach is to have each spawning cell conduct a census of its neighborhood and only spawning if it finds a population below some threshold. In a router, that would mean adding code to router-input to check how many router-message cells are visible before spawning new router-messages. This differs from the predation approach in two ways. Firstly, it's not probability based, so some equilibrium is reached relatively quickly, and second, it relies mostly on inter-cell behavior rather than intra-cell behavior4.

That's close, but not exactly the same as the anthill approach, where we introduce state into individual cells. They keep count of the things they've seen and act accordingly. The downside to this approach is that it relies on more long-lived cells than either the predation or census approaches. Reflexively, that means not having cells clobber each other quite as often, except that aggressively clobbering is a very good strategy to make sure that we don't grow over-reliant on some particular piece of internal state. Remember, the point is robustness. So relying on long-lived state which might disappear when it meets a non-cooperating5 spawn!ing cell seems like a bad idea.

The synchronization problem

Synchronizing a specific turn gets odd in the global context. While we're running single-threaded simulators, it's easy to imagine a turn being taken somewhere in a way that minimizes friction. In a distributed, decentralized system, it's much harder to understand how some field of 41 cells6 ends up deciding that a particular cell should have write priority at the same time.

In a simulator it's easy, because we're centralized and running locally. In a real system, where we're dealing with a distributed and decentralized network of cells all trying to inter-communicate, it involves either remote locking or partial neighborhood execution. Let me unpack that. We can either say that we're going to lock a cells' full neighborhood while it acts, or we can say that a cell will have to be able to execute its code while seeing only part of its neighborhood. If we go for locking the full neighborhood, we get into the phenomenally tricky remote locking problem, where we have to coordinate use of a shared resource with a number of remote agents. For this purpose, it might actually be better to have multi-cell tiles be the norm, rather than have each cell individually implemented as a separate machine7.

If we instead say that a cell must be able to work on a partial neighborhood8, then a bunch of the census machinery we discussed above breaks in a non-trivial way. At minimum, you'd have to start dealing with neighborhood census percentages rather than raw counts, and you'd have to tailor them in a way that can deal with the pessimal case of only getting one of your neighboring cells addressed in a "turn".

What's Next

A fuckton of thought, I guess. And I'll also want to actually talk to Dave Ackley at some point instead of merely consuming his written and video media on the topic.

The particular points I still want to prototype and figure out are:

I'm sure I'll find more things of interest as I actually do the work.

  1. Which seems like it would make it harder to scale the router out to encompass more space later.
  2. Which has the problem we just discussed of posing a serious threat to the well-being of the world if it ever escapes. Although it seems like this might make for an interesting and dramatic story arc in some piece of science fiction, we realistically want to limit that risk.
  3. For instance, by introducing some state in the router fluid, and using it to only eat things that remain non-whitelisted entities for three or more turns at a time.
  4. There is no explicit die-roll here. We check if there's "enough" messages running around to keep us busy, and if there are, we deterministically refrain from spawning new messages. The overall system behavior might still be very chaotic because of the shunting behavior of router-endpoints or router-messages themselves, but that chaos is introduced elsewhere and not exacerbated by the census-conducting router-input cells.
  5. Cooperating cells are ok, since they can save any state of the things they clobber when spawn!ing.
  6. Or whatever number you ultimately ended up picking for your thing, it doesn't matter.
  7. Since that requires fewer messages to establish locks on a neihborhood. Assuming your tiles were rectangular larger than the event window, you'd be able to establish a neighborhood lock with between zero and four exchanges rather than 41.
  8. Which, lets be honest, might happen anyhow in the event of a fried tile, network error or network boundary. But those would ideally be rare cases as opposed to what I'm proposing here.

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