Briefly, Async Completions with CodeMirror

Sun Aug 10, 2014

Really quick update, no philosophical thoughts at all. It just seems I got into an uncommon situation, and wanted to share.

CodeMirror has auto-completion. Via show-hint and various in-browser, language-specific modes. What I wanted to do is have a server-side handler that pulls out completions for a given partial symbol and just lets the front-end display them. The way to do this seems to be neither obvious nor well-documented, given how my googling went. The frustrating thing is that, if you read the show-hint source code, it's clearly built to support asynchronous hinting, but doesn't make it very clear how to take advantage of that.

The examples involve writing a function that returns an object which can then be used to display a little completions drop-down, which kind of assumes that your completion function is going to immediately return something.

Yes, I could use these promises that are so fashionable nowadays, if I felt like re-writing show-hint, but I want something that works out of the box, with minimal tweaking of library code. Here's an approach that seems to work.

 (create :ajax
        (lambda (mirror callback options)
          (let* ((cur (chain mirror (get-cursor)))
                 (tok (chain mirror (get-token-at cur))))
            (get "/cl-notebook/system/complete" (create :partial (@ tok string) :package :cl-notebook)
                 (lambda (res)
                    (create :list (or (string->obj res) (new (-array)))
                            :from (chain -code-mirror (-pos (@ cur line) (@ tok start)))
                            :to (chain -code-mirror (-pos (@ cur line) (@ tok end)))))))))
        (lambda (mirror options)
          (chain -code-mirror commands 
                 (autocomplete mirror (@ -code-mirror hint ajax) (create :async t))))))

For the JavaScripters out there

    "hint", "ajax",
    function (mirror, callback, options) {
        var cur = mirror.getCursor();
        var tok = mirror.getTokenAt(cur);
        httpGet("/cl-notebook/system/complete", { partial: tok.string, package: "cl-notebook" },
                function (res) {
                    callback({ list: JSON.parse(res) || [],
                               from: CodeMirror.Pos(cur.line, tok.start),
                               to: CodeMirror.Pos(cur.line, tok.end) 

    "hint", "auto",
    function (mirror, options) {
        CodeMirror.commands.autocomplete(mirror, CodeMirror.hint.ajax, { async: true })

The new auto helper overrides the show-hint default and makes sure that the ajax helper gets called on a trigger of autocomplete. This approach assumes you will only be completing via server hit. If you want multiple completion sources, your custom auto helper will need to be a bit more complicated than shown. httpGet is something you'll have to define yourself, or get from a library somewhere, but its intent should be self-explanatory. All you need now is a handler on your server side at that uri that takes those parameters and spits back a list of completions for the given partial word. Mine looks like

(define-json-handler (cl-notebook/system/complete) ((partial :string) (package :keyword))
  (let ((p (string-upcase partial))
    (do-symbols (s package)
      (when (alexandria:starts-with-subseq p (symbol-name s))
        (push s res)))
    (sort (mapcar (lambda (s) (string-downcase (symbol-name s)))
                  (remove-duplicates res))
          #'< :key #'length)))

which is about as naive as you can get. It does the job though; even when completing on the empty string (which returns all symbols in the cl-notebook package), the server comes back with a response in about 10 msec.

That's that. If you're in the situation I was in a couple hours ago, hopefully you'll stumble upon this and have an easier time.

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